and other new world order nasties in aotearoa

Thursday 26 July 2012

11 july twothousandandtwelve

even though i haven't posted any photos lately, we have still been getting bombarded by chemtrails. i decided i'd better start pointing it out publicly again.

those above, taken at 8.51 in the morning facing east and west.

top pic 11.22 am

middle pic 1.40 pm

bottom pic 4.52 pm

here's my theory. they spray the trails, as seen above at 8.51 am. the trails expand and fall apart as they are moved along with the help of the wind. as the trails are falling they start to form the puffball 'clouds' as seen at 11.22 am. the puffballs then become bigger and coalesce with one another, as seen at 1.40pm. with the wind having been coming from the south that day, it's all being blown north and we are left with a beautiful clear sky in it's wake, as seen at 4.52 pm. have a close look at those trails above the hills. it illustrates almost perfectly what i am positing. in real life when you observe those sorts of trails you can see them dropping dust, literally falling apart very slowly. then for whatever reason this does that and you get the thick, sludgey cover that can be seen directly above the hilltop. it is solar obscuration of the most enormous magnitude. i may be wrong, i don't know. i might be right. i know what i've seen and continue to see. i do know that this day was meant to be lovely, an absolute gift in the middle of winter. the clear blue skies that can be seen imprisoned behind the fake arse 'clouds' attests to that. but no. we weren't allowed a nice day to top up our reserves of vitamin d and photons. we got chembombed instead. and that really pisses me off.

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