and other new world order nasties in aotearoa

Monday 12 December 2011

Does anyone even care?

i've lost count of the number of photos i have taken of chemtrails over the years. i must have at least a hundred, probably more. the first time i saw a chembow i took photos of it, i was enchanted by it's beauty.
even though the sky is a horrible, soupy mess of chemtrail, the iridescence that it has enabled is quite pretty.
and because i'd never seen one before i didn't really know what it was. thanks goodness for mobile camera phones-without mine i'd never have the pictorial proof that i have for the ongoing aerosol assault that my part of the world is under.

i've lost count, too, of the number of people i have tried to tell about chemtrails and what they could possibly be. most of them really don't care, it seems. a lot of them have kids but that still doesn't seem to light any fire in them. they think i'm a weirdo conspiracy theorist. they'd rather look at their phone texts or watch the telly rather than look up at the sky and spot the anomalies.

which brings me to my point. does anyone even care? i'm trying to do my part to alert people but it just doesn't seem to be working. i started this blog to try and get my photos out there but according to the stats on it, no page views today (thus far) and only one for all of yesterday (and that was probably a spybase in germany somewhere). talking to people doesn't seem to do anything. putting up guerilla posters at train stations didn't help because the cleaners ripped them all down. doing this blog is basically like talking to myself. so what do i do?
they say that if you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem. i'm trying to be part of the solution. i guess i'll just have to keep looking at the sky, mobile phone handy and continue talking to myself.

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