and other new world order nasties in aotearoa

Wednesday 28 December 2011

more goodies in the sky...

the evening of 27 december looked like a normal day in north welly. honestly, it's a fucken miracle if we DON'T get any chem activity...

apologies for the not too good shot but about half way up the pic you can see what looks like a black tube type trail.

and as for today, the 28 december, it's business as usual for those chemtrail pilots. they're getting sneaky lately. last night and this morning we had a bit of cloud up our way and we thought that it may even rain. while the clouds were down those bastards were up there flying their planes of pestilence and left us with a few goodies to discover when the clouds dissipated....

if anything else of note is seen by me today then i'll post an update. suffice to say, those couple of days they left us alone last week have more than been made up for in these last 2 or 3 days.

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